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K-12 Student Resources: Middle & High School Students

Elementary aged Kansans can explore the world, languages and books and search for answers, learn new languages or facts; and read our Britannica and Scholastic collections | State Library of Kansas

Student Research

The links on this page work by verifying your Kansas internet provider address. If you cannot use these links, you will need to log in with your Kansas Library eCard.

Click on the image below to visit the resource.

General Research

Britannica Middle School button


Britannica High School button


Explora Middle Schools button


Explora High Schools button

Exploras search research databases such as Academic Search Premier, MasterFILE Premier, Newspaper Source Plus, and EBSCO ebooks and more all at once.


World Almanac Kids button

Classic statistical reference tool.


Issues & Controversies button


Britannica Collective button

Nonfiction eBooks in science, history, and more.

Skill Builders

Mango Languages button

Courses in over 70 Languages.


Learning Library Express button

Test Prep for the GED, ACT, ASVAB, and CDL exams as well as computer software tutorials and learning modules by subject.


Universal Class button

Online courses in over 300 subjects. Watch videos on your own, or join the full course to interact with a teacher.


Read It button

 Adapted reading material for a variety of subjects, with resources to help build background knowledge, conduct research, and improve study skills.


Ferguson's Career Guidance Center button

A career exploration and planning resource, including 3,000 articles, a graduate and undergraduate school finder database, as well as databases for internships and apprenticeships, financial aid, education to career planning timelines, a career assessment, career profiles, a sample resume and cover letter database, and an industry associations and resources directory.

Social Sciences

history reference source button


Kansas History database button


Sage Knowledge button

Health, Medical, & Science

Consumer Health Complete button


Medline button


Health Reference Center button


Today's Science button

Literature & Art

Literary Reference Source button


Bloom's Literature button


NoveList Plus button


Art Full Text button

Database Tools

Kansas Periodical Index button


Journal Finder button


USA dot Gov button


Kansas dot Gov button

En Español

Britannica Moderna button


Fuente Academica button


Medic Latina


Learning Express y Mango (Skill Builders, a la izquierda) incluye seccions en Español. Más otros recursos tiene traducción.

Audio & eBooks

Direct Access

Links on this page work by verifying your Kansas Internet provider address.  If you cannot get in on this page, please login with a Kansas Library eCard instead.

Scholastic Book Flix button


Britannica Collective button


Other Digital Book eLending Services

With our other services, students may use books just as any other resident with a personal account, however a Kansas Library eCard is required to log in. Please remember that these are public library collections and most include adult materials. See the Digital Book eLending page for instructions on specific setup.

Cloud Library button


Comics Plus button


Freading button