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Talking Books


Digital Talking Book Machine

Digital Talking Book Machine (DTBM) are free to patrons. DTBMs are portable players for audiobooks stored on cartridges. The machines can run on battery or plug power. A USB port allows the machines to play BARD downloads.

Digital Talking Book Cartridge

The cartridge, size of a cassette, can contain multiple books in their entirety, including author notes and footnotes. Cartridges are sent in the mail as "FREE MATTER FOR THE BLIND OR PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED."

National Library Service

High-Volume Player

The National Library Service (NLS) provides high-volume players for readers with certified hearing impairments. To ensure the safety of patrons, these players are only issued by NLS after receipt of written certification by a physician or licensed audiologist. Contact Kansas Talking Books for an application.

NLS Braille eReader

Through a partnership with the State Library of Utah, Kansas patrons can receive an NLS Braille eReader, a refreshable braille device. The readers, manufactured by HumanWare, access electronic braille books and magazines via cartridges and BARD.

Commercial Players

The NLS has information regarding third-party or commerial players that are approved and compatible with NLS content.

Talking Banknote Indentifier, iBill

The U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP) partners with Talking Book services to distribute currency readers known as iBill. The iBill is a small electronic device that can identify United States paper currency. It is small enough to fit on a keychain. The BEP will provide one iBill to interested Talking Book patrons. Contact Kansas Talking Books to request an iBill.

Contact Us


1 Kellogg Circle
PO Box 4055
Emporia KS 66801

8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Digital Talking Book Machine and open book cartridge case


Digital Talking Book Machine, cartridge, and case


Digital Talking Book Machine and closed cartridge case