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The Kansas State Library maintains a policy for appreciation of, and respect for, the human diversity which may characterize the people we serve and the people with whom we work. Library employees will respect difference in race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, veteran status and any other characteristic of human diversity.
In order to make materials available to all persons on an equal basis, the Kansas State Library has adopted the following policy for the circulation of library materials.
All Kansas residents may use the library without charge. All Kansas residents 18 or over are entitled to a library card by completing a written application form. Any card holder may check out circulating materials on presentation of their library card. If a person does not have their card with them at time of checkout, the person must have identification.
Non-Kansas residents may borrow library materials via interlibrary loan through their local, school or academic library.
No more than 12 items may be borrowed. All library materials are available for loan with a few exceptions including, but not limited to, the following: Law books have overnight circulation to Statehouse staff, Legislative clippings and Reference books do not circulate.
All materials, with a few exceptions, are loaned for a period of three weeks.
All materials may be renewed two times after the initial checkout.
A library patron may reserve materials currently in circulation. The patron will be notified when the material becomes available.
The library reserves the right to suspend borrowing privileges to individuals or libraries who repeatedly violate library privileges.
The library adheres to the Copyright Law which pertains to pre-recorded video or audio cassettes, DVD's, or compact discs owned or borrowed by the library, including 17 U.S.C., 106 which forbids unauthorized duplication and 17 U.S.C., 202 forbidding public showings of video or audio formats without public performance rights.
Photocopiers are available for library users. Copy machines may not be used for copying that constitutes a violation of copyright law. Library users are not to attempt to repair, remove jams or replace supplies for copy machines.
The library serves a diverse community of users. The library's administration and staff respect and celebrate that diversity. We broadly define our customer as any individual seeking information or knowledge. We assert that all library users are individuals who should be treated with courtesy and respect. Through our core services, we strive to support our users in their quest for knowledge. Those core services include:
We believe that all library users are entitled to:
Library staff assisting patrons will work in confidence, not disclosing topics or other characteristics of research. Staff will work in ways that protect the confidence maintained with and for the patron. Patrons also are required to respect and not violate the confidential nature of work that is being conducted for another patron.
In order to ensure that effective service and confidentiality are enjoyed by all library users, whether in person, by phone, or by Instant Message chat, it is required that library users govern their own actions by basic rules of civility, respect and courtesy. Adult behavior is expected from all library users. When the behavior of a library user disrupts work of the staff or other library users or is deemed inappropriate by the librarian, the patron will be notified that their behavior is unacceptable and if the behavior persists, the interaction will be terminated immediately. Police/security will be called if the user in the library fails to comply with the librarian's request.
Violators of library use policy may temporarily lose access to the library and library privileges. Permanent revocation of access and privileges may result if after an investigation by library staff, in cooperation with Capitol Security and Statehouse Administration, it is deemed warranted. Illegal acts involving library resources may also be subject to prosecution of the violator by local, state or federal authorities.
The Legislative Hotline is a service of the State Library of Kansas Reference Division, which has been in operation since 1975, and is accessible all year. The purpose of the Legislative Hotline is to provide all Kansas residents with a toll free resource for up to date information about legislative activity.
The Legislative Hotline staff is composed of a team of four librarians who provide answers to basic questions about the legislature, such as providing bill numbers, bill status, dates and calendar information. Calls are answered by librarians who are experienced with the legislative process. The toll free number also provides a means for constituents to contact their elected legislative representatives and the librarians who answer the hotline will take a short message for one, or both, of the caller's legislators. All messages must include the caller’s name and town and method for the legislator to return the call. The Hotline librarians are unable to transfer calls to office staff and other phone numbers.
The State Library's records are available to the public in accordance with K.S.A. 45-215 et seq.
To inspect and obtain copies of public records which are not exempted from disclosure by a specific law, a patron may request assistance from the library's Freedom of Information Officer at 785-296-3296.
Records will be produced as soon as possible and always within the 3-day period specified by law.
To insure accurate response, a document copy request must be written and legible.
Reasonable fees, not exceeding actual cost, may be charged for access to records, copies of records, and staff time for processing requests.
Copying costs for routine requests are as follows: