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Links for librarians to access services and resources within the State Library, Kansas library community and beyond. | State Library of Kansas

Statewide Resources

The State Library of Kansas provides an array of databases, digital book services and learning platforms. If you are building a list of database links for your library's website, Statewide Services can offer suggestions by library type and audience. To view resources and access promotional material go to the full list of resources. Search for a specific resource or filter by vendor or type: databases, digital books or learning platforms.

NoveList Plus is a great resource for library staff to enhance reader's advisory.

View the State Library training collection for statewide resources and check the calendar for upcoming sessions and access archives at Continuing Education. To schedule training on a specific resource email Statewide Services or call 800-432-3919 in Kansas | 785-296-3296.

Below is information for libraries on how to

  • connect to databases and digital books directly on their website
  • access useage statistics for databases, digital books and the Mango learning platform
  • purchase digital books to add to the cloudLibrary collection
  • share patron requests for titles to purchase as digital ebook or audiobook
  • offer MARC records for some digital books


Connecting to Statewide Databases

  • Geolocation
  • Kansas Library eCard
  • Custom

Geolocation is the simplest method. IP addresses are verified as assigned to a Kansas location when links are accessed.

Libraries can use copy link information from the State Library's website and place it on their website. If a specific resource is desired request a link by sending the information for the specific resource to

Kansas Library eCard requires a sign-in to a secure page with links to all resources.

Link or bookmark

Custom specific vendors of statewide resources work with a library to create links specific to that library. Links are crafted to recognize the library's preferred type of authentication: local sign-in or locally maintained IP recognition. 

For more details on each type of connection and how to set up custom connections visit the Statewide Resources Authentication 101 tutorial in Niche Academy.

EBSCO Setup Guide

There are four ways a Kansas library can set up EBSCO access.

1. Post the link on your website which takes patrons to the log in page. Patrons can log in with their Kansas Library eCard  for access to EBSCO resources. Go to General Research section then click EBSCO All Research Database List.

2. Use your EBSCO admin account to set up access methods. Go to EBSCO Admin, log in with your admin username and password.
Most existing accounts, including those discontinued when the last EBSCO contract ended, are up to date and activated. If you do not know your login or need to create a new account, contact

3. Request a URL, able to recognize IP locations, to link on your website. The link allows patrons to use EBSCO resources anywhere in Kansas through your website, no log in required. This is a specialized URL.  Libraries must request a link from the Statewide Services at the State Library. Please email for more information.

4. If your library subscribes to EBSCO products, your existing portal and administration account can be modified to include statewide resources along with those you purchase directly. If you have questions about the setup of your account, or about duplication issues, please contact your EBSCO sales rep.

Request Gale Web Access

Complete the form to gain web access authorization for Gale

If your library's use of specific databases is identifiable by IP address, specific URL or a unique login, vendors can provide statistics information.

Database usage via the Kansas Library eCard is not tied to individual library database accounts. Kansas Library eCard usage is counted at the state level and combined with library-level use to evaluate the effectiveness of statewide resources. This combined data is available to libraries upon request via email or call 785-296-3296.


To request individual usage statistics, contact Melissa Sroka, Account Executive, via email or 703-728-8345.


Access individual usage statistics for EBSCO by logging into the EBSCO administrative portal using the administrative ID and password assigned to your organization.


Access usage statistics and data through the Gale Admin Portal, provided you are identified as an institution under the Kansas Statewide Consortium and are using a custom link provided by Gale. To confirm Location ID or set up a username and password for Gale Admin, send an email, carbon copy (cc) Chris Michela and Doug Hansen. Or  call 800-877-4253, ext. 8084  or 248-699-8636.


You can access individual usage statistics for Infobase by logging into the Infobase administrative portal using the administrative ID and password that was assigned to your organization. If you don't know this information, email to request it.

OCLC WorldCat

Log on to OCLC Usage Statistics to view and print statistics. You can log on to this module using your WorldCat authorization (9-digit number assigned by OCLC) and your Statistics password. 

ProQuest Heritage Quest

View the Heritage Quest usage reports. Customers are automatically IP authenticated for the usage account. If you do not use IP authentication, you'll get a username|password login screen.

ProQuest Nursing Journals

To retrieve usage statistics, log on to the ProQuest Admin site. To get your ProQuest administrator module information, contact ProQuest Customer Service via email | 800-521-0600, ext. 2971 for public and academic libraries | 800-521-0600, ext. 7112 for K-12 school libraries.

2023 Cost of Select Statewide Resources

  • The State Library of Kansas paid $1,362,989.00 to access Britannica, EBSCO, Infobase, Mango and ProQuest resources. 
  • If each, individual Kansas library: public, school and academic, paid for this access it would have cost $74,156,452.00.
  • EBSCO access cost the State Library $686,112.00
  • If each, individual Kansas library: public, school and academic, paid for this EBSCO access it would have cost $50,940,614.00
  • Statewide Resource access is available to:
    • 374 public libraries
    • 2,024 K-12 schools
    • 86 academic institutions

For previous year statistics go to Kansas Government Information (KGI) Online Library.

Digital Books

Most digital book services require login by patrons and do not offer individual library statistics. These two children's digital services can link directly from your library's website.

Britannica Collective E-Books

No restrictions, school and curriculum use is encouraged. 3 connection options.

  • in-library use direct connection, recommended for schools: complete this form; can add MARC records to catalog
  • statewide link:; if patron's internet provider (IP) is recognized as Kansas location patron can access without login, if prompt appears the eCard credentials give access
  • libraries able to provide security, EZ Proxy, etc: email Statewide Services or call 800-432-3919 in Kansas | 785-296-3296
  • Individual library statistics are not available.

Scholastic BookFlix

BookFlix is a public library subscription, the license does not include school and curriculum use. 2 connection options.

  • statewide link:
  • if patron's interent provider (IP) is recognized as Kansas location patron can access without login, if prompt appears the eCard credentials give access, schools cannot use this link
  • in-library use direct connection: complete this form no login while inside the library; can request a custom in-library use link to allow your patrons to login with local library card instead of eCard
  • Individual library statistics are available for in-library use direct connection.

State Library digital resources now use SIP connections with koha to authenticate users. After migration State Library staff discovered that the patron Library IDs were not shared with the vendors as expected. This means there are no library-specific statistics for cloudLibrary and Freading for the months of August and September, 2024.

The connections for digital resources are now configured to provide the necessary information. Staff are testing these connections with the goal of returning to monthly reports by November 1 with the October 2024 usage statistics for cloudLibrary and Freading.

Patron access cloudLibrary and Freading services via Kansas State Library eCard (KSCL) log in which allows the vendor to see the library the card originated from, then use that to assign local circulation. If your library or conosritum has multiple KSCL administrative logins, locate all and total the ciruclation for each KLSC login.

cloudLibrary statistics updated monthly, file builds from January through December of the year

Freading statistics updated monthly, file builds from January through December of the year

Digital Book Statistics 2024

For previous year statistics go to Kansas Government Information (KGI) Online Library.

Individual libraries, organizations and regional libraries can contribute to the State Library digital book collections by providing funds or purchasing directly. At this time the only service with direct purchase options is cloudLibrary. To learn more about contributing funds or purchasing directly email Statewide Services.

If you are purchasing content directly from cloudLibrary to add to the State Library collection follow these general instructions and guidelines.

cloudLibrary CAT Admin Panel
Username is your email address. Use the forgot password link if you have misplaced your information.

  • Curated carts are regularly available and individual titles can be dragged into a buying cart.
  • There is no order confirmation email. Contact Statewide Services to confirm an order.
  • Invoices are received by the State Library near the first of the month for content ordered the previous month. 
  • Titles ordered in advance of publication are invoiced based on the month the book is released.

Librarians and patrons can submit a request the State Library consider adding a title in ebook or audiobook format.

Records for ebooks and audiobooks are available via email notification list. Subscribe to a MARC notification list send the request via email, include the digital book service(s), in the email. For more information contact Director of Statewide Services, 785-296-8152.

Services with MARC records

Service MARC Available Note
Britannica Collective
service is for juvenile only
Full catalog 856 only works with in-house direct connection setup, see Connections tab
cloudLibrary Full catalog
Adult and YA only
YA and Juvenile only
YA only
Juvenile only
Enki Library

Full catalog
Juvenile only

Genealogy Connect Full catalog  

Scholastic BookFlix
service is for juvenile, public library only

Full catalog 856 only works with in-house direct connection setup, see Connections tab


Learning Platforms



Mango can provide your library with access to usage statistics and data, provided you have an established member account and are using a custom link provided by Mango. If you have previously submitted a Mango Integration form, simply email your request to Cruz Pardo and she will provide you with access. Complete the integration form, Exel file below, then attach it to the email.

Contact Us

Statewide Services

785-296-2146 | 800-432-3919

Statewide Services email

Kansas Library eCard email

Promotional Materials